Tuesday 9 June 2015

Tips for having a safe Thanksgiving with your pets!

Is Thanksgiving really next week and am I the only one that feels like it was just summer? As I get older the days go by faster and faster. I have to say that I am excited for the holiday. My twin brothers are coming home and it’s not often that we all get to be together these days with our busy lives. With it being Thanksgiving, it brings some risk for your pets. Here are some ways to have a pet safe holiday…

1. Give your pup a KONG or toy to play with. This will help distract them from focusing on the turkey or other food on the counter.

2. Protect the trash. Make sure the trash lid is secure so that your pets cannot get into it.

3. Make sure that your pets have a way to leave the area. With the holiday brings lots of people and it might cause some of them to stress. For our dog, Kooper, as much as we would love for him to be around for the Thanksgiving festivities it is best for him to be away from all of the activity. We make sure he had a morning filled with exercise and playtime and then when it is time for the family to come over he goes upstairs with his KONG and he should be tired from the day. This is the best thing for us and Koop.

4. Check their ID tags. Holidays can bring stress for some of your pets. Double check their tags to make sure the information is up to date.

5. Thanksgiving is filled with yummy food but some of the food needs to be kept away from your pets. Foods that are harmful to them include alcohol, chocolate, turkey bones, onions and garlic.
Hope you all have a fantastic and safe Thanksgiving with your family, friends, and pets. Don’t forget to show your pets how thankful you are of them : )

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