Monday 29 June 2015

The month of February was Pet Dental Health Month!

We have all experienced doggy breath and sometimes it can be quite stinky. However, even with the stinky breath your pups kisses are still one of your favorites : )!  It is essential to keep your pets teeth clean and healthy. As you can see in the info-graphic, 75% or more of the health complications seen by vets have a correlation to dental disease. Keeping your pet on a healthy diet, regular brushing, and giving your pup plenty of chew toys can go a long way to help keep your pets mouth healthy.

According to ASPCA, signs of dental disease are: bad breath, difficulty eating and chewing, red or inflamed gums, teeth that are browned, and excessive drooling. The signs of healthy teeth are: clean teeth (no discoloring), no signs of swollen or bleeding gums, and no loose teeth. These are all the signs that we as pet owners want to see. Some pets can see the signs of dental disease as early as 3 years old. Preventative treatment can help prevent painful long term problems down the road for your pets. Your pets dental health is very important because is they do have bad dental health it can lead to loss of teeth, pain, and serious issues such as heart, liver, and lung disease.

For our two pups, we give them a dental bone regularly that is vet approved. Kooper does not like his teeth to be brushed so this is a great alternative that we have had success with. They also enjoy chew toys.  This can help with massaging their gums and get rid of soft tartar. Lastly, try and give your pet some dry food. Dry food can also help with less tarter and plaque buildup.  Make sure your vet checks your pets teeth annually to make sure their teeth and mouth are healthy. Take small steps now so that serious problems do not occur in your pet’s future.
 infographic credit:

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